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Mercer Smith

  • — VP, CX Insights & Community at PartnerHero
  • — Austin, United States

Mercer Smith is a dynamic and driven CX leader, who loves to spend her time elevating leaders of teams and empowering them to create the best customer experience.

She has worked with companies like Wistia, Atlassian, Trello and Appcues.

Mercer’s passion for delivering exceptional experiences extends beyond from customers to workers: she has recently pioneered an AI-driven tool that helps your team escape burnout. She is also a vocal advocate for diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

In addition to her impressive resume, Mercer is known for her infectious energy and unwavering commitment to her team and clients. Her ability to inspire and motivate those around her has made her a trusted leader and mentor.

Mercer Smith
From Mercer:
“Don’t assume that what you’ve done before will work again.”
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