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How Pipedrive evolved its quality assurance program to increase CSAT & IQS

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Support agents




Supported languages




Pipedrive is a SaaS unicorn – a deal-driven CRM solution that empowers marketing and sales teams. There are 900 employees globally, serving 100,000 businesses across 179 countries. 

Pipedrive’s support team comprises 90 agents, divided into two tiers with different specializations, providing support officially in five languages — English, Portuguese, French, Spanish, and German. 

Pipedrive’s customer service mission is to deliver fast support with a human touch. Customers want convenience and personalization, these goals drive both values.

Before using Zendesk QA (formerly Klaus): 

  • CSAT was 95% – above 2022’s benchmark of 89%.
  • IQS measured 86% – slightly below 2022’s benchmark of 89%.
These metrics are commendable, but Pipedrive wanted to raise the bar even higher. With Zendesk QA, they: 

  1. Identify areas of high learning potential 
  2. Maintain fair and consistent feedback
  3. Create actionable quality reports

Overall, they managed to push both their IQS and CSAT into higher realms of excellence – their IQS now beating the benchmark. 

Why use Klaus: user friendly, actively engaged agents, integrations, scorecard flexibility, better reporting

We spoke to the crew at Pipedrive to get the inside scoop on how exactly they went about achieving this. 

Adopting Zendesk QA

The transition to using Zendesk QA was seamless for Pipedrive, since it is compatible with both the platforms they use to communicate with customers most. Conversations can be seamlessly pulled and reviewed from each. 

The experience of being able to connect our helpdesks for QA has been great as we don’t need to switch between tools and can have everything already compiled.
Guilherme Silva
Guilherme Silva

The team also uses Zoom occasionally for calls, which they review through the browser extension – which enables seamless reviews outside a helpdesk.

Identifying areas with the highest learning potential

At Pipedrive, they aim to grade at least 7% of all their interactions across channels – a much larger percentage than many companies who conduct QA. This is possible because they have both QA Specialists and managers conducting reviews. 

  • QA Specialist reviews provide more meaningful insights and higher analysis of trends and reporting.
  • Manager reviews promote a regular feedback cycle across team members.

In combining these formats, Pipedrive is able to capitalize on their insights with better training.

They use a 2-point rating scale and make sure each agent receives at least four points of feedback every week. 

Identifying and analyzing bad CSAT conversations is pivotal to their quality assurance – made possible through Zendesk QA. They can also now narrow down on specific project-based scenarios they want to analyze in greater detail (like bad feedback for product or feedback loops).

Maintaining fair and consistent grading with regular calibration sessions

Reviewers need to calibrate to rate

A crucial element of any successful support QA program is ensuring that the feedback agents receive is fair, consistent, and unbiased, no matter who is doing the conversation reviews. 

To ensure this, Pipedrive conducts regular calibration sessions to ensure all the graders are on the same page. They use Zendesk QA to grade the graders, so to speak, using the same conversations, filters, and scorecard setup as their regular conversation reviews.

Additionally, identifying hard-to-score categories or misalignment between reviewers is easier than ever since all session outcomes can be reviewed on a dedicated calibration dashboard.

Managing agent appeals

One problem they encounter repeatedly is that of agents appealing a grade. This happens often for larger teams – for example when conversations include more than one agent. It’s important to have a process that addresses and validates a back-and-forth. 

Before, they used the Pins for Coaching feature to flag each appeal and ensure that it was addressed. 

Now, they are evolving the process and will adopt the Disputes feature. Agents, through this, can succinctly dispute the score and request a change or additional feedback. This officiates the appeal and centralizes the discussion on the dashboard, where both reviewer and the reviewee can learn and align.

Creating a variety of actionable reports  

When they were in the process of searching for a new quality assurance platform, Pipedrive was looking for a solution that gave them the ability to customize things based on their very specific needs. 

This included being able to quickly change weights in their scorecards and creating custom reports for different stakeholders. 

And with the flexible nature of Zendesk QA, they’ve been able to do just that. Besides being able to quickly spot knowledge gaps, identify recurring issues, and uncover training needs, they’re able to create a variety of reports based on the specific purpose.

So irrespective of whether it’s to present big-picture overviews or a deep dive into details, the KPI dashboard ensures it’s an effortless process. This includes creating weekly actionable reports for team managers and monthly for product, training, processes, etc.

Weekly reports are easier to build, and we can manage different rubrics more easily. For example, Bad CSAT grading, Grade the Graders, Calibrations, and even grading conversations for specific projects to measure the success.

The proof is in the numbers

When your key customer service metrics are all sitting at a commendable level, it may seem difficult to make massive improvements to support quality. 

But Pipedrive’s numbers (an increase of 1% in CSAT and 5% in IQS, respectively) are a testament that with a robust support QA program and the right software, there’s always potential to push the bar even higher. And deliver your customers even better experiences.

Zendesk QA is a great tool to upscale your operations, especially if you are new to QA you’ll have a lot of great features and content to help you start. Also, it’s important to mention the awesome customer-facing team.
Pipedrive’s success story speaks to many of the issues we see among large teams: 

i) the desire for a centralized review process; 
ii) the need to precisely identify areas of improvement;
iii) diligent, customized reports. 

Could your team benefit from this? 

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Written by

Lílian Ertel
Lilian Ertel
Lílian builds relationships with Klaus partners. She probably learned this skill after living in 10 cities and 3 different continents.

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