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What’s New at Zendesk QA (formerly Klaus): October 2023

Oct 19, 2023
Ready to elevate your QA game? Stay up-to-date with the most recent updates and discover some handy tricks.
What's new at Klaus - October 2023

Zendesk QA (formerly Klaus) is an ever-evolving cat! Taking the spotlight this time around is our brand-new speech-to-text capabilities. Join our Quality Connoisseurs – Chris, Riley, Jens, and Mart – as they delve into the benefits of VoiceQA and showcase other valuable ways to elevate your QA processes. 

On the menu

✨ Mastering AutoQA: Learn how to employ AutoQA as the first layer of support quality control across 100% of your interactions. Furthermore, explore our new dashboard & filtering options, designed to serve as your eagle eye to agent interactions.

✨ VoiceQA Premier: We fill you in on our new VoiceQA & speech-to-text functionalities and explain why the breadth of omnichannel support will benefit from 360° automated quality assurance. 

✨ Quickfire updates:  Stay up-to-date with the latest releases, including Lead role type, Comment templates, embedded surveys for Zendesk, and a new integration with Genesys. 


Let your inner curious cat roam freely as you delve deeper into the updates

Turning Talk Into Insights with VoiceQA

Tired of listening to call recordings? Experience our speech-to-text capabilities for a speedier and more efficient contact center QA.

Explore the update

Collecting Customer Feedback with Zendesk is Now a Little More Zen

Klaus' surveys for Zendesk

Boost response rates and elevate your customer experience by embedding Klaus’ surveys into your Zendesk support emails.

Explore the update

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