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Say Hello to Klaus’ Improved Browser Extension

Review your conversations anywhere – our flexible extension spans across communication channels for seamless QA.
Klaus Browser Extension

As customers grow more comfortable and anticipate seamless omnichannel support interactions, it’s essential to ensure that the experiences offered are consistent across the board.

By setting you free from the virtual borders of your help desk and enabling you to review conversations anywhere, Klaus’ browser extension is the easiest way to improve the quality of your customer service.

58% of customers are frustrated with getting different treatment from channel to channel.

Bridge the gap with our improved browser extension, delivering faster purr-formance and the reliability of nine lives. Without further ado, here’s what’s new.

Improved reviewing experience

Besides an improved look and feel, it’s now possible to resize and reposition the extension to fit better the webpage you’re on.

Additionally, we’ve enhanced the grading experience when working across multiple browser tabs.

Previously, the extension worked as a single one across all open tabs. This meant that any changes in the tab could have caused the extension to close, requiring it to be manually reopened and reloaded.

With the updated version, each tab operates on a separate extension, making the review process more stable and convenient to use.

Review details displayed in one view

Just like in the native Klaus app, you can now view previous ratings and your own given feedback right within the extension. Additionally, it’s now possible to edit, delete, or dispute the review in the same view.

What’s more, you can now also view received CSAT feedback in the extension.

👉 Meow it’s your turn: download the new version here.

Klaus’ browser extension is available for our Professional and Advanced plan users.

Learn more about setting up and using Klaus’ browser extension here >

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