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Assignments 2.0: Handing You the Remote for More Control

Our Assignments feature now offers greater flexibility to bend to your QA needs and provide your team with a consistent flow of insightful conversations to review.
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Successful customer service QA relies on meaningful feedback: reviewing the right conversations and the right agents.

But manually choosing and allocating these conversations can be a real challenge. Not to mention a great waste of your valuable time when there’s a better way. 

Let our secret army of robot cats take over. Klaus automates the tedious job of allocating the right conversations to your team, so you don’t just save time but also:

  • Provide your team with a consistent flow of insightful conversations to review
  • Ensure all agents get reviewed based on your set conditions
  • Set targets and gain full visibility into your team’s goal completion

Proudly purr-senting Review Assignments 2.0! 🎉

While our robo-kittens have been purring away as if there was no tomorrow, finding and automatically assigning conversations for Klaus’ users to review, we’re fully aware there’s always room for impurr-ovement.

And as far as improvements in Klaus go: ask, and you shall receive.

👉 Discover how Glovo uses Review Assignments to automate their feedback process and pick conversations randomly to ensure variety in their review samples.

Paws up for a new setup 

In addition to a brushed-up look and feel (hello, dedicated setup page!), we’ve sharpened & enhanced the entire assignment setup flow.

Custom start date

You can now define when your assignments start and end for all weekly and bi-weekly assignments, so your team can make use of the whole cycle length to give reviews. Monthly assignments continue to begin on the first day of the month.

Select participants in a click

When choosing participants for the assignment, it’s now possible to select all relevant workspace users in one click, both when picking reviewers and reviewees. You can also then easily exclude users in a separate field below. 

Set review goals by agent

Before, you could choose how many conversations a reviewer needed to review. Now, you can also set goals for how many reviews each support rep receives.

When setting up goals, decide whether it’s based on the reviewer (how many reviews they should give) or the reviewee (how many reviews they should receive). 

Based on the reviewer, you can also set how many conversations per agent the reviewer will review in a row. 

More assignment conditions

Time is a limited resource. Choosing the right conversations to put your team’s focus on plays an essential role in using it wisely. So we’ve expanded the list of conditions to ensure your team reviews the most relevant conversations for them.

You can now allocate conversations to review based on their CSAT score, custom tags, and fields from your help desk or Zendesk groups. We now also support the ‘Last week’ and ‘Last month’ date range filters that automatically follow the set time frame and include conversation for the whole cycle. 

Enhanced overview panel

CSAT Preview Panel

While Klaus’ assignments are quick and easy to set up, there are times when it’s been tricky to understand whether the chosen conditions are backed with enough conversations to fulfill the goal. 

Following a step-by-step logic, all relevant settings are displayed on a dedicated overview panel. It summarizes your chosen settings, previews the possible range of conversations the selected conditions can give, and indicates if that’s enough to achieve your goal. 

Preview panel

Additionally, reviewer-reviewee pairings are automatically generated when the goals have been defined in the flow. Click the ‘Show preview’ button in the overview panel to display a detailed list.

Get 41% More Quality Reviews By Setting Daily Support QA Goals 

Unified Assignments view

Previously, every reviewer saw a list of assigned conversations on the left side of the Assignments view. To make it easier to navigate between assignments and consolidate the view, we’ve replaced this with an assignment overview card showcasing:

  • The assignment name
  • A progress bar 
  • Thumbnails of the support reps who have been reviewed
  • An indicator showing how much time is available until the end of the assignment

Click on the card to activate the assignment and start reviewing. 

Assignments view

Review one conversation at a time

Moving forward, conversations are presented to reviewers one at a time. Suppose the reviewer refreshes the tab or decides to return to the assignment later. In that case, the same conversation remains visible until it is submitted, deliberately skipped, or no longer matches the assignment conditions. 

New next and skip buttons

Previously, if you refreshed the page, the conversation displayed was automatically replaced by a new one. With conversations now shown one at a time, it will not change until you submit the review and click the ‘Next’ button. This way, you can review the feedback and ensure everything is as it’s supposed to be before moving on to the next one. 

However, if the conversation in question happens to be a bad fit, a ‘Skip’ button is displayed instead. Click it to replace the conversation with another one that matches the same filter conditions.

Added filter bar on the Dashboard view 

You can now filter the Assignments dashboard using the date range filter and workspaces. 

Klaus' secret army of robot cats

Hasta la vista, manual conversation reviews

Running regular conversation reviews is key to understanding your team’s performance and raising the quality of the customer service you are offering. 

Our updated assignments take the man out of manual and make it even easier to:

  • Ensure your team reviews the most relevant conversations for them
  • Make sure all agents get reviewed based on your set conditions
  • Gain full visibility into how your review goals are being met

Give our assignments a whirl already today. We’re sure you’ll be paw-sitively surprised! 

Let us know what you think in the Quality Tribe, and check out our channel for videos on how to make the most out of Klaus!

Learn more about setting up and using Klaus’ Review Assignments here > 

Review Assignments are available in the Professional and Advanced plans. 

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