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Who should do conversation reviews? – Part 2

Self-reviews & peer reviews

What you’ll learn

In the second part of this lesson, we look at two more options you have when deciding who will perform your reviews – peer reviews and self-reviews. Plus, hear directly from our Customer Success Managers on why they love conducting peer reviews internally at Klaus.

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RILEY YOUNG: In the previous video, we discussed QA specialist reviews, as well as manager reviews. We’re now going to look at two more options when deciding who will perform your reviews. These are peer reviews and self-reviews.

NARRATOR: Peer reviews are when agents review the work of the other agents in the team. This can create an open and collaborative feedback culture, making support feel more like a team sport where everyone is working towards the same goal.

For smaller teams, peer reviews can make up the bulk of their review program, while for larger teams, they are a great addition to specialist or manager reviews.

RILEY YOUNG: Peer reviews are a great way for your support reps to learn from each other. You will often find your support reps asking to share macros and answers and other resources as a result of this exercise.

However, there are some things to consider, such as ensuring that your support reps have dedicated, uninterrupted time to not only perform their ticket reviews, but also to go over and discuss the feedback. Setting a review target and having scheduled time to perform peer reviews on a recurring basis is recommended. 

NARRATOR: Note that peer reviews may not give you the best overview of your team’s overall performance, due to the issue of each agent having slightly different views on how each category is scored. Clear grading documentation and regular calibration sessions are important to help prevent this. You can also track each agent’s average review score, meaning you’ll be able to spot any trends out of the ordinary.

RILEY YOUNG: It’s now time for a Klaus Tip of The Day, brought to you by Klaus’ own customer-facing team.

MEDEA MARGANIA: Hey! My name is Medea.

DIOGO COSTA: Hi, I’m Diogo.

MEDEA MARGANIA: And we’re Customer Success Managers here at Klaus.

DIOGO COSTA: Today, we would like to recommend you peer reviews, because –

MEDEA MARGANIA: it’s a great way to save time, because it’s the whole team that’s involved in the process and the quality assurance, rather than just a couple of people who are dedicated to the task.

DIOGO COSTA: And it also gives you some good insights on how your peers are handling similar cases.

MEDEA MARGANIA: And sometimes it’s just nicer to hear from the peers and not from your manager only. And that’s why you should do peer-to-peer reviews!

DIOGO COSTA: Yeah, go do it!

RILEY YOUNG: Thanks, team! Last, but not least, we have the option of self-reviews. Self-reviews are when support reps – you guessed it – review their own conversations.

This allows them to see their interactions in a completely different light and can be a real eye-opener. This is only part of the puzzle, though, as support reps still need to be able to discuss their findings and set goals for what they need to improve.

Only when combining self-reviews with regular 1:1s where the support rep and manager can discuss the results will self-reviews become effective. By incorporating self-reviews into your program, you are including your support reps in the review process itself. This can have many positive effects, such as giving your support reps a voice on what quality means for your company.

NARRATOR: Like peer reviews, self-reviews alone might not provide you with a very good overview on how your department is purr-forming. However, if combined with other efforts such as manager or specialist reviews, you will have the best of both worlds – a detailed overview of your department, as well as more engaged agents who actively participate in the review program themselves.

RILEY YOUNG: While there are no exact rules for who should be doing your conversation reviews, we recommend for smaller teams to make use of self- and peer reviews, whereas larger teams should look to managers or dedicated QA specialists.

You can be creative with different approaches until you find one that works for you. The key here is to choose the type or types of reviews that will produce consistent results to ensure that you’re getting the most out of your quality program.

Join us for the next video, where we will explore the topic of how many reviews you should do. Make sure to download our lesson resources below.

MERILY LEIS: Where does a cat go when it loses its tail? To the re-tail store! [drum sting]

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