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Drive revenue through exceptional customer service

Use AI to pinpoint and fix gaps in your service. Automate QA and achieve 100% coverage across agents, BPOs, channels, and languages. Create lifelong customers along the way.

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You’re in a great bunch

Get access to the

Plug and Play Quality Management

QA Suite

Elevate your support quality by reviewing & analyzing interactions across every support channel.

AI Suite

Let automation score every support interaction for 100% coverage, and use AI to drive smart improvements.

Coaching Suite

Structure 1-1s and coaching sessions around specific examples and performance metrics.

Analytics & Insights

Keep track of real-time KPIs and identify top and low-performers. Systematically improve resolution time, interactions per case, and customer satisfaction.

Scaling your support team's efforts can be effortless

AI-powered Quality Management

Automatically score and analyze 100% of your agents and conversations

Let AutoQA serve as your first line of quality control, providing you with the full picture of your support performance & training needs.
  • Plug & play solution with no model training required
  • Automatically evaluate & speed up the review process, without bias
  • Use AI-powered smart filters and insights to pluck out must-review interactions for analysis
  • Positive and negative sentiment analysis
AutoQA and AI-powered Spotlight
Targeted Manual QA

Spend less time on questionable results

Don’t let support volume get in the way of an analytical understanding of your service quality. Review across channels and standardize your QA processes for all-round excellence.
  • Enhance team efficiency with automated review assignments & goal setting
  • Pinpoint knowledge gaps and understand where agents or processes fell short
  • Speed up call center QA with speech-to-text capabilities
Targeted Manual QA
Analytics & Trends

Immediately understand what leads to the best and worst customer outcomes

Identify which agents are underperforming or which parts of the customer experience are failing.
  • Get an accurate representation of overall service quality across all your support channels
  • Identify core issues with targeted root cause analysis
  • Systematically improve resolution time, interactions per case, and customer satisfaction
Cover image

Improve agent performance with data-driven coaching

Foster agent engagement and decrease turnover through systematic feedback and targeted coaching.
  • Proactively analyze all agent interactions, not just a sample
  • Target weaknesses relevant to your team and encourage active learning
  • Visualize & understand the impact of your efforts with coaching sessions
Coaching & learning

Fastest ROI and implementation out of any quality management solution

G2 Winter 2024G2 Winter 2024G2 Winter 2024G2 Winter 2024G2 Winter 2024