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How Education Perfect Pushes CSAT Beyond 96% with Zendesk QA

How Education Perfect Pushes CSAT Beyond 96% with Klaus


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Employees using QA




Education Perfect is the world’s leading learning and publishing platform that is humanizing technology for lifelong learners. It’s used by more than a million students across the globe who appreciate the outstanding customer experiences they deliver with every customer interaction.

From day one, EP has focused on offering excellent customer care to the teachers and students they work with. Implementing internal conversation reviews and fostering regular agent feedback was a logical step in their quest to maintain a high quality of customer service.

Today, Education Perfect uses Zendesk QA (formerly Klaus) to boost their support performance with regular conversation reviews. Before that, EP managed their internal ticket reviews in spreadsheets but it took them twice as much time to manage these processes manually.

As CSAT has always been in sharp focus for EP, they were happy to see that improved QA procedures also resulted in increased customer satisfaction scores.

By using Zendesk QA to foster regular conversation reviews and agent feedback in their support team, Education Perfect pushed CSAT from 95% to 96.3%.

Let’s take a few steps back and see how Education Perfect built its successful customer service quality program.

Ditching support QA spreadsheets

Support quality has always been in the spotlight for Education Perfect. They started managing QA in spreadsheets to coordinate all feedback in a single place. However, the more tickets they reviewed, the more they felt they needed to revamp their QA setup because:

  • Managing spreadsheets was time-consuming: copy-pasting ticket-related data, switching between tabs, and searching for the right information can eat up most of the QA time.
  • Spreadsheets got clunky and slower to load: with every conversation review, the document grew larger and larger, taking more time to load the data and scroll to the bottom of the page.
  • Everybody’s reviews were visible to the entire team: leaving honest feedback comes easier when everybody knows that the information stays between the reviewer and the agent, but that wasn’t possible in spreadsheets.
  • Formulas, formats, and tables would break: with multiple users copy-pasting data from different sources, the document got messed up on a regular basis.
  • Lack of flexibility: for example, sometimes reviewers felt like providing longer feedback that didn’t fit in the spreadsheet structure.

For these reasons, EP started to look for alternatives to using spreadsheets to support QA. They tried providing agent feedback via their helpdesk but that didn’t tick all the boxes for the team either. They were still missing the solution for managing feedback privately between managers and agents.

Read on: Fireside Chat with Education Perfect’s Support Managers

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Creating support quality criteria based on company values

Education Perfect’s customer service scorecard reflects the entire company’s core values, which were created based on a survey conducted among all employees. The values that they use in customer service – and other areas like, for example, marketing and sales – truly reflect what’s important for the people working at EP.

Here are the seven Education Perfect’s company values that all support quality criteria align with:

  • Users first: EP’s customer-facing teams see “going the extra mile” to help users get the most out of their platform as one of their core values. It’s the agents’ task to understand what the customers really need, even if they’re not asking the right questions.
    Rating categories like “Correct analysis of the problem” and “correct solution offered” help reviewers provide feedback on agents’ performance in these aspects.
  • Creative, innovative: Agents are encouraged to find creative solutions to help customers.
    For example, if a teacher forgets to provide some essential information (e.g., the class number or location), agents would make an effort to find the missing data and add it to the system proactively.
  • We work as one team: The entire company works closely together to create the best possible value for their customers.
    Thus, “Assisting another team” is a separate rating category that EP checks in their support interactions.
  • Open and straightforward: The team doesn’t hide behind wishy-washy words but approaches all interactions in an honest and clear manner. This reduces the number of conversations where customers don’t really understand what the agents were trying to tell them.
    This core value translates into rating categories like “Tone and Empathy”, “Spelling”, and “Grammar” on their scorecard.
  • Continuous improvement: EP looks at every interaction as an opportunity to learn and become better at what they do, so customer feedback is often a driving force in their product development.
    Conversation reviews analyze whether tickets were escalated correctly, sped up efficiently, and followed up on appropriately, to make sure they’re making the most out of customer feedback.
  • Be caring, support each other: Besides inter-team cooperation, EP focuses on building close-knit and kind relationships among their team. Everyone is working towards the same goals and helping others progress along.
  • End today excited by tomorrow: Every team member contributes to the team culture with their attitude. A positive take on things helps to maintain a good vibe that reflects in customer conversations.

Company values are an excellent starting point for creating quality criteria for customer service interactions. Aligning all teams towards the same values has made it possible for Education Perfect to deliver consistent customer experiences across all channels.

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Choosing Zendesk QA

In Zendesk QA, Education Perfect found the conversation review and support QA tool they’d been looking for. 

Since Education Perfect switched to Zendesk QA, their support quality assurance time was cut in half. No need to navigate between different tools and tabs, no more waiting for the gigantic spreadsheet to load, no manual copy-pasting ever again.

In addition to being a huge timesaver, there are many other reasons why EP’s customer-facing folks love Zendesk QA:

  • Feedback is safe: the support team feels more relaxed about giving and receiving feedback, knowing that the information is not publicly available for the entire team to see. Teams can easily define which information each user can access.
  • Encouraging positive feedback: giving and receiving feedback on Zendesk QA feels more like a private chat between the reviewer and the agents, not an exam. As most tickets are handled nicely, regular conversation reviews bring a lot of positive reinforcement to the team and make it easier for reviewers to point to additional areas of improvement.
  • Reliability of the tool: unlike spreadsheets, a tool safeguards your process from misplaced data or typing errors. It’s easy to look up any necessary information without having to manually create tables and build complex formulas.
  • Integration with Slack: Zendesk QA notifies agents about the feedback they’ve received, so nobody has to do extra work to deliver conversation review results to the team.
  • Common review framework: using a dedicated conversation review tool guarantees that all teams conduct internal quality reviews in the same manner. The results are easily understandable and comparable across the company.
  • Avoiding cross-reviews: reviewers can see which conversations have already been assessed, making sure that multiple people don’t waste time on analyzing the same tickets at the same time.

Conversation reviews have become a lot more efficient for Education Perfect’s customer service team since they switched to a dedicated support QA tool. Letting Zendesk QA do all the work gives the support team twice as much time to focus on giving actionable feedback and helping agents grow professionally.

Education Perfect is an excellent example of a company constantly going the extra mile to delight its customers. With a sharp focus on support quality, they’re always pushing themselves to become better – a CSAT of 96.3% is a testament to their quality efforts.

Make agent feedback a seamless part of your support operations and help your agents excel at their job with Zendesk QA.

Written by

Merit Valdsalu
Merit is the content writer at Klaus - though most of her texts have probably been ghostwritten by her rescue cat Oskar.

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